Prelude to an entry on Xbox repair...
“So what are you going to write next?” the wife asks, having taken a minor interest in this new endeavor of mine.
“Probably about fixing my Xbox,” I reply.
“Oh.” [Lingering pause] “That’s not funny.”
Having recently watched the second season of Last Comic Standing from front to back with my wife, pulling for the same hopefuls along the way, I knew we had similar tastes in humor. I wasn’t then too surprised to find myself in agreement with her assessment
“Yeah, no. Not really. Well, a little.”
The Xbox went out in a series of late night sparks and smoke, electronic antics that I’ve seen comedic hopes hung upon across many a sitcom through the years. Somewhere, sometime the Nielsens must have reported that smoldering appliances struck a responsive chord with the 18-49 crowd to get such play, so chances were good a few people might actually chuckle at the smoking Xbox entry. But would it be a laugh riot? Probably not.
“No.” She reaffirmed. “You should write something funny.”
I realized then that I had probably given my readership unrealistic expectations. I know, I know…what had I written? Two, maybe three posts? On an almost daily basis? You’d think it’d be a stretch for people to use that as a representative sample of what goes on at the Spin, but I guess that’s the reality in the fast paced world of the internet. No doubt hundreds of sites were born and died over the six day span since I started to Spin.
I had unfortunately, -at least as far as my wife is concerned- set a unrealistic standard:
Be Funny. Every Day.
Now for some guys, that’s probably possible. For me, not so much.
Now don’t get me wrong. I believe I may be somewhat blessed to live in a household that so freely and easily generates source material. In fact, the day I wrote about my blog picture, my wife managed to flood our new basement with the washing machine. Twice.
“Well,’ I said, “I guess I could write about the floods.”
“And about me again?” she asked.
“Well, sure.”
“Then people will think I’m some kind of a nut.”
In addition to sharing a sense of humor with the wife, I apparently also share the same comedic taste sensibilities as the majority of the American public. The guy I who I thought was the funniest Last Comic (Yay, John Heffron) did indeed win the title in a nationwide vote. That being the case, I couldn’t necessarily disagree with my wife’s spoken assumption. I stayed silent.
And that abruptly ended the ‘Next Blogging Topic’ conversation…