Thursday, February 17, 2005

Smile when you are ready... what today's fortune cookie reads.

For what, exactly?!


Comments supposedly now allow you to say stuff without being registered. Try it if you like...

And smile while doing so.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because you finally wrote something new on this blog!

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smile when you are bed.

Ha. Gotta love jr high humor - when the forture cookie sucks just add 'in bed'.

Good job on finally posting. I was concerned ;)

-The not-about-to-have-a-baby Sis In Law
(speaking better post and let us know when you become an uncle!)

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Ted said...

Your WoW addiction is showing. LOL

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Adam Simpson said...

So it is that yet another comments section must be blighted by a picture of my face. I'll turn that feature off, one day. Print one off, it'll keep the kids away from the fireplace.

Web, nice to see that you too have been struck by the JuicyFruiter spam phenomenon and that the big wide spamming world hasn't forgot about the Spin. After my PM at DSP, thought it might be nice to remind you that you have an audience of at least one...


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